Plastic Type Polypropylene (PP)
Molecular Formula(C3H6)n
Common useLiquid laundry detergent bottle (Persil)
Degradation detailsIt was used only as a liquid laundry detergent bottle and then it was measured.
Time of degradation
Sample descriptionOn the outer surface the bottle is clean with no signs of degradation, but there are traces of liquid detergent on the inside surface
Microscopic image(s)
Macroscopic image(s)
Spectral Data type Raman
Raman spectrum
acquisition parameters
Laser wavelength: 785 nm
Laser Power: 300 mW (100% of the laser power)
Exposure time: 1 s
Objective magnification: 20X (NA 0.35)
Spectrum range: 765-1600 cm-1

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